The existence and prosperity of the system of superficies in China is destined by the actual situation of the Chinese land ownership system and the strict restrictions put on the use of the land. 我国关于土地所有权制度和对土地用途进行严格管制的国情决定了我国地上权法律制度必将广泛存在和高度发达。
Land law includes land ownership, the establishment, development and enforcement of land use and management system, among which the ownership of land is the center of land law. 土地法律制度是指土地所有制、土地使用制以及土地管理制度的建立、演变及其实施等方面的规范,所研究的是土地利用中人与人之间的经济关系问题。
We think there are three reasons for the dilemma of rural collective land ownership system, the ambiguity of the subject of the rural collective land ownership, the weakening of the function of the rural collective land ownership. 土地所有权的主体不明,土地所有权的权能弱化是当前我国农村集体土地所有权制度面临困境的主要原因。
Among social environment factors, the heritage of social structure vicissitude is a key factor, and it is also the main force that drives the peasants in different development level areas reach a same attitude towards ownership system of rural land. 社会环境因素中我国制度变革的制度遗产对农民农地所有制度态度产生重要影响,该因素也是形成两地区农民对农地所有制度态度一致的主要原因。
And then, some feasible suggestions have been presented to the disadvantages exist including the object of ownership, system of collective land right to use, rural collective land contract to run collective transfer of the land, mortgage and rural residence base, etc. 对集体土地的所有主体、集体土地的所有权制度、集体土地的使用权制度、农村集体土地承包经营、集体土地转让、抵押和农村宅基地等制度存在的问题提出了建议;
China has established collective ownership of rural land, but the real right system of collective land remains for a long time untouched. 我国确立了农村土地集体所有制度,但是集体土地的物权制度一直是一个近乎空白的领域。
This essay puts forward to build the identity use-right of land system drawing lesson from the identity ownership of building system through the key position in resources of land resource and the natural-law relation of all resources. 本文从土地资源在资源体系中的核心地位入手,充分考虑各种自然资源在自然属性及法律属性上的关联性,提出借鉴建筑物区分所有权制度建立土地区分使用权制度。
The author asserts that it represents the most cost effective legal approach to restructure the collective ownership system of rural land by means of economic analysis. 本文立足于法和经济学的分析方法,揭示了我国农村土地承包经营权制度效率低下的根本缘由,提出了增进这一制度效率的立法途径。
Inquire into the Improvement of Collective Ownership System of Rural Land in China 论中国农村土地集体所有权制度改革
On the Innovation of the National Rural Economy Development and the Ownership System of Land 论我国农村经济发展与土地所有制的创新
The author of the article, on the presupposition of public ownership of land, has put forward a system of land tenancy with compensation, which may offer as an option for the solution of the agricultural question. 本文作者在肯定土地公有制的前提下,提出了土地租佃补偿制度,不失为一种解决农业问题的思路。
The Countermeasures for Theme Vacancy of Chinese Collective Ownership System of Rural Land 我国农村土地集体所有制中的主体虚位与对策思考
The existing legal system of farmers 'land ownership is characterized as the household contract responsibility system on the premise of not changing the farmers' collective ownership of land. 现行农民土地产权法律制度可以用农民集体所有权不变前提下的家庭联产承包责任制概括。
This paper thinks that we should maintain the nature of collective ownership and the distribution pattern of the existing farmland contract management system and carry out the permanent tenancy of agricultural land. 通过比较分析本文认为:保持农地集体所有制的性质不变和现有的农地承包经营分配格局不变,实行农地永佃制是较适宜的选择。
The ownership system of rural land is no exception. 农村土地所有权制度也不例外。
The academic circles have carried on inspection and research to the collective ownership system thoroughly, proposed different reform schemes in view of all sorts of questions that the rural collective land ownership has. 学术界对集体土地所有权制度进行了深入分析和研究,针对其存在的弊端提出了不同的改革方案。
The transition history of Chinese land ownership system shows that the existing forms of land ownership has deep historical and social context. 中国农村的地权制度设计及其实践过程表明,现有地权制度的形成有其深刻的历史因素与社会背景。
In the system of land contracted management, the land ownership should be clarified, the social security system of the farmers should be set up and the supporting laws and regulations construction of the contracted management of land circulation market should be improved. 在土地承包经营制度方面,应明确土地所有权主体、建立待地农民的社会保障制度和健全土地承包经营权流转市场的配套法律法规建设。
Considering the actual situation of rural land ownership in our country, we put forward the highly operative land trust protection process. ( 4) The optimal incentive system of land trust protection mechanism. 论文还结合我国农村土地产权实际情况,设计了操作性较强的土地信托保护运作流程。(4)农村土地信托保护的最优激励约束机制。
China is a socialist country, public ownership of means of production and the collective ownership system of rural land are the basic conditions faced by China, and these are also the foundation of rural land right system. 我国是社会主义国家,生产资料公有制、农村土地集体所有是我国经济制度的基本现实和我国最大的国情,也是构建我国农村土地权利制度体系的基础。
The third part is the analysis of the problems of rural land of reasons, including natural economy hampered land transfer, rural land ownership is not clear, land transfer market mechanism is not perfect, imperfect social security system, lack of knowledge hinder land transfer. 第三部分是剖析农村土地流转存在的问题的原因,包括自然经济阻碍土地流转,农村土地产权不明晰,土地流转市场机制不健全,社会保障制度不完善,认识不足阻碍土地流转。
National government adopts city-village dualistic ownership to the national land and farmers 'collective land, carries out paid-moving use system for the use of state-owned land, while limiting moving the use of the land for collective construction in village. 国家对国有土地和农民集体土地实行城乡二元管理体制,对国有土地使用权实行有偿流转制度,而严格限制农村集体建设用地使用权流转。